
Blackpool & District VMCC Section History

Graham Jackson, our former chairman could be regarded as the founder member of the Blackpool & District Section of the VMCC.

Graham originally attend the North West Section meetings, this section being the only one at that time in the North West,an area which encompassed the vast district stretching from the River Mersey to the Lake District.

As there was such a large void within the North West area, he discussed the possibility of starting a new section with Alex Graham, who was at that time a member of the VMCC management committee.

Alex enquired as to how to go about forming a new sectionand was informed of the criteria that had to be met before a new section could be admitted into the VMCC, initially, the prospective section would be known as a group.

These criteria had to be met and maintained for a period of 12 months before acceptance as a VMCC section could be granted.

The main criteria being that there were no other sections locally and that the section needed officers, these being, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, and also, a quota of regular attending members and events.

All events required an application for a permit, applications being submitted to Allen House for approval.

Alex was further required to submit a written report, monthly, on the progress of these criteria.Permission to proceed was received from James Hewing on April 12th, 2010.

Armed with this information, an initial meeting, (following an article written by Graham and published in the Blackpool Gazette),  was held on Tuesday,  June 15th at Poulton Golf Club, which 29 prospective members attended.